
Amazon’s server outage is breaking fast food apps like McDonald’s and Taco Bell (and also The Verge)

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

An outage within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud server setup was affecting a number of internet services, including our website, but has been resolved. The AWS Health Dashboard noted problems of degradation on multiple services in the US-East-1 region that started around 3PM ET.

The most recent update from Amazon that was posted at 6:42PM ET reads, “Between 11:49 AM PDT and 3:37 PM PDT, we experienced increased error rates and latencies for multiple AWS Services in the US-EAST-1 Region. Our engineering teams were immediately engaged and began investigating. We quickly narrowed down the root cause to be an issue with a subsystem responsible for capacity management for AWS Lambda… As of 3:37 PM, the backlog was fully processed. The…

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