
Asteroid City’s first trailer is the most Wes Anderson thing you’ll see today

Jake Ryan in Asteroid City. | Focus Features

Whether there are actually aliens hiding somewhere in Searchlight Pictures’ Asteroid City from director Wes Anderson is up for debate. What’s quite clear, though, is that the movie’s playing to all of Anderson’s strengths and going to give all of his fans exactly what they showed up for.

Set in a fictional American town during the mid-1950s, Asteroid City tells the story of a beleaguered widower (Jason Schwartzman) who’s busy schlepping his four children across the country to see their grandfather (Tom Hanks) when their car suddenly breaks down. Inconvenienced as everyone is by having to stop in Asteroid City while their car is fixed, the fact that an annual junior stargazer competition is on delights the widower’s son Woodrow (Jake…

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