
EU draft legislation will ban AI for mass biometric surveillance and predictive policing

The draft legislation will ban mass facial recognition, among other uses of AI, but has yet to be confirmed as law. | Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

The EU has taken a step closer to enforcing strong regulation of AI, drafting new safeguards that would prohibit a wide range of dangerous use cases.

These include prohibitions on mass facial recognition programs in public places and predictive policing algorithms that try to identify future offenders using personal data. The regulation also requires the creation of a public database of “high-risk” AI systems deployed by public and government authorities so that EU citizens can be informed about when and how they are being affected by this technology.

The law in question is a new draft of the EU’s AI Act, which was approved today by two key committees: the Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee. These committees…

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