
Google Drive quietly introduced a file creation limit for all users

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Google has quietly introduced a limit on the number of files that you can create and save in Drive, as reported earlier by Ars Technica and CNET. The company confirmed to The Verge that you can create a maximum of 5 million files in Drive even if you pay for extra storage.

To be clear, the 5 million file cap only applies to the number of files that you create in Drive — not the total of files shared to your Drive. This means you can have over 5 million files in the system as long as they’re not solely created by you.

Google spokesperson Ross Richendrfer says the change comes as a way to “maintain strong performance and reliability” and that it should help prevent “misuse” of the company’s systems. If you reach the limit, Richendrfer…

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