
Google services to offer more accurate information in compliance with EU

Outside of providing more transparency for its customers, Google is still under pressure to fully comply with the EU’s geo-blocking regulations. | Illustration: The Verge

Many of Google’s offerings will soon be updated to provide clear and accurate information in compliance with consumer protection laws in the EU. Announced by the European Commission on Thursday, the Alphabet-owned company has agreed to introduce changes to Google Store, Google Play Store, Google Hotels, and Google Flights following discussions with the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (CPC) in 2021.

“We see an increasing number of consumers turn to the internet to book their holidays, make purchases, or consult a review. EU consumers are entitled to clear, complete information so that they can make informed choices,” said EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, in a statement. “The commitments made by Google are a step…

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