
Microsoft is giving hackers weather-themed names like storm, typhoon, and blizzard

Microsoft’s new weather-themed naming for attackers. | Image: Microsoft

Microsoft has started naming hackers after the weather in a new naming taxonomy update. Hackers will now be named after events like storms, typhoons, and blizzards, as part of eight groups that Microsoft is using to track cyber attacks. That means the Lapsus$ hacking group that has targeted companies like Nvidia, Samsung, and Microsoft will now be referred to as Strawberry Tempest (no, it’s not a $15 cocktail).

The new taxonomy will include five key groups: nation-state actors, financially motivated actors, private sector offensive actors (PSOAs), influence operations, and groups still in development. If a new cybersecurity threat is new or from an unknown source, then Microsoft will assign it a temporary “Storm” designation and a…

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