
Microsoft’s post-layoffs Halo studio is smaller and switching to Unreal Engine

Halo could look a lot different. | Image: 343 Industries

Halo developer 343 Industries lost at least 95 people due to Microsoft’s recent layoffs, and the studio is apparently switching from its proprietary Slipspace engine to Epic Games’ widely used Unreal Engine for future games, Bloomberg reports.

The future of Halo has been somewhat up in the air since the layoffs announced on January 18th. Halo Infinite had a strong launch in late 2021, but over time, fans started to get annoyed by frustrations with multiplayer progression, repeated delays to planned features like network campaign co-op and Forge (which finally launched in November), and no indication that new campaign content was imminent.

343 has publicly affirmed its commitment to the franchise following the layoffs. “Halo and Master…

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