
Pokémon Sleep is just the start of my fully gamified life

Image: The Pokémon Company

Whenever I go for a walk, whether it’s to grab a coffee or a proper hike, I annoy the hell out of my family by playing Pikmin Bloom incessantly. No matter how picturesque the view is around me, I spend plenty of time staring at my phone, making sure I’m planting flowers efficiently and helping fresh new pikmin grow. It’s a game that you play by walking; more steps mean more flowers and pikmin, so it’s at least encouraging me to move around. But it’s also a prime example of how video games have infiltrated nearly every part of my life. And with Pokémon Sleep launching in the summer, that problem is only going to get worse.

Now as someone who loves both pokémon and sleep, it seems like an app designed with me in mind. The idea is that you…

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