
Redfall won’t have a 60fps mode on Xbox at launch

Image: Microsoft

Redfall, which is set to be one of Microsoft and Bethesda’s biggest Xbox releases of the year, won’t have a 60fps performance mode on consoles at launch, developer Arkane Austin announced on Wednesday. Instead, the game will be limited to a quality mode that enables 30fps at 4K resolution on Xbox Series X and 30fps at 1440p on Xbox Series S.

The announcement is disappointing, especially so close to the game’s nearly here May 2nd launch date and when previous footage has been in 60fps. Redfall looks like it will be a decently fast-paced shooter, and I’m worried that the 30fps limitation on Xbox will make the game feel sluggish. (And personally, I always pick a higher frame rate over higher-quality graphics anyway.)

Still, the game does…

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