
The Diablo IV beta let players do a lot — but not pet the dog

Blizzard Entertainment

After two weekends of lengthy server queues, and a brief taste of the game’s opening areas and five classes, the Diablo IV beta is officially over. I personally didn’t get to play too much since I was doing other things, but I enjoyed the brief time I got to spend in Sanctuary.

I went into both weekends as a Barbarian. I played a Sorceress in Diablo II, and the ill-conceived Witch Doctor in Diablo III so I wanted something with a bit more in-your-face brutality. As a relative newcomer to the series, Diablo IV seems like a perfect “no thoughts, head empty” kind of game. Spam various attacks as your focus, mana, or spirit meter allows against enemies that really like to group up for maximum area-of-effect damage. Even bosses require no…

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