
Tucker Carlson is taking his show to Twitter

Image: Tucker Carlson via Twitter

Just weeks after leaving Fox News amid the wreckage of its $787 defamation lawsuit settlement with Dominion over lies about the 2020 election, Tucker Carlson has announced his show is coming back soon in “a new version,” but this time, it’s on Twitter.

In a three-minute video haranguing the mainstream media circus he’s spent his career as a part of, Carlson insists that “the only one remaining” platform allowing free speech is Twitter, as opposed to the cable news outlets that he calls propaganda outlets.

We’re back.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) May 9, 2023

“We bring some other things too, which we’ll tell you about. But for now, we’re just grateful to be here. Free speech is the main right that you…

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